Misconceptions of the Kama Sutra
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About the Kama Sutra
The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian text. Most known for its chapters on sexual instructions for better experiences. The complete text focuses on teaching young, wealthy men on how to live a good life. There is a plethora of instructions on living a fulfilling life. I think knowing how to build a house is pretty sexy (personally). Usually, acrobatic sex positions are the main thought that comes to mind when someone mentions Kama Sutra. Again, this text isn’t entirely sex focused. It’s a book on how to lead a better life while appreciating the smaller things that come with our existences.
The translation for “kama” is “love, desire, and pleasure.” Sutra is a type of Indian literature that is meant to be instructive. A love, desire and pleasure manual sounds quite pleasant. A book about living elegantly and being refined.
It should be noted that a British explorer translated the book in 1883 and it became popular across the Anglo nations. A lot of poor translations and infatuation with the erotic parts of the Kama Sutra has created a lot of misunderstandings that a re still around today. It’s been marketed as a solution to sexual problems while the rest of the text has been neglected my Western caricatures.
With this exposition, let’s explore a few of the ideas that can be found in the Kama Sutra. These will focus on pleasure and sex as we are a sex toy store.
Sex = pleasure – This is the pleasure book after all. There is an emphasis that sex should always feel good. Important to note that it should feel good for all parties involved, otherwise, it’s not worth it.
Prioritize women's pleasure during sex – It does tell how to pleasure your man, but it is considered how it takes longer for a woman to come to pleasure. Give her that time to feel good. If it takes half it day then it’s gonna take half a day.
Penetration isn't everything – Sex isn’t just about penetration. The book tells men to keep drawing supplies to capture intimate portraits before any sex actually occurs. Eye contact, time together, perfumes, jewelry, kisses are all part of intimacy. Men are instructed to let the woman have two orgasms before penetration is even considered.
There is much more content in the Kama Sutra. It is recommended finding an accurate translation if you plan on reading it.