Building Our Sexual Empowerment as People of Color -Oct 22nd

Article number: 2493025

Building Our Sexual Empowerment as People of Color

*this seminar is for people of color/BIPOC, mixed-race folks, who also self-identify as either cis-women, trans people, Two-Spirit, non-binary, and gender-diverse people.

As People of Color (POC), we understand the many ways we have to survive in colonial culture. Racism creates impacts on our sexual bodies and our sexual self-esteem.  What would it feel like to imagine coming home to our bodies? How could this be safe-enough? How can we further our sexual empowerment?

In this workshop, we will explore tools for building/enhancing our sexual empowerment, through centering our experiences as we share in collective wisdom and resiliency. Suggestions on various tools, including through the power of our own erotic self-pleasuring sessions, will be provided. We will be introduced to what erotic self-pleasuring sessions could look like in a safe-enough container. And the myriad ways it may allow us to build more understanding and healing of our individual bodies. We will explore impacts of racism on our sexual bodies and unpacking racialized sexual shame.

Somatic-based activities (mindfulness, meditation, visualization and grounding exercises) will be woven throughout the seminar. Take-away resources will be provided to continue our individual journeys.

Please arrive on time as doors will be locked at 7:35pm

*We require a minimum of 6 guests to proceed with this seminar. If we do not reach that attendance level your payment will be refunded & you will be notified of the seminars cancellation.

Seminar Leader: Anisha is a Sexual Health Educator with over 18 years working in many areas of sexual and reproductive health. They completed a Sexual Health Educator Training program with Options for Sexual Health and have facilitated a variety of sexuality workshops for many audiences. They are currently studying to be a Somatic Sex Educator, with the Institute for the Study of Somatic Sex Education.

As a POC, Anisha identifies as queer, poly, and gender-diverse.