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Conversations before sex are great for communication ahead of time but what happens after? This great article discusses why aftercare is an important part of having healthy and enjoyable kink scenes but also sex in general.
Conversations before sex are great for communication ahead of time but what happens after? This great article discusses why aftercare is an important part of having healthy and enjoyable kink scenes but also sex in general. The article describes aftercare as, “the point where you and your partner attend to your own physical and psychological needs and each other’s. Even with the clearest communication sometimes things may happen that weren’t enjoyable for you during sex. Or on the flip side maybe there was something you really liked and want to do again. One point the article made which I thought was really interesting is, we are fed a lot of cultural messages about what sex is often communication is left out of the picture. Non verbal practices where you attend to physical needs when cooling down can also be apart of aftercare. If your someone who struggles with expressing you self in the moment aftercare could be very helpful tool for you, letting your body calm down might make communication easier. Regardless if your super kinky or not so much aftercare is important!