Are You Having Enough Sex?
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It makes us feel good and costs us nothing. So why aren’t we having more of it? Sharon Walker investigates the decline in sex
“The very thought of you has my legs spread apart like an easel with a canvas begging for art.” That is how the 27-year-old Canadian poet Rupi Kaur writes about sex. Urgent, powerful and raw, her bittersweet poems about sexuality, femininity and survival can be read on Instagram, where she first found her audience. The Instagram generation clearly connects, as Kaur’s first book, Milk and Honey, is a global bestseller. It is perplexing, therefore, to learn that sex is fast becoming that quaint, old-fashioned thing we did before we had tech. No one is making out like teenagers anymore, least of all teens. It’s too soon to say what self-isolation has done for our sex lives, but pre-corona, fewer than half of men and women in Britain aged between 16 and 44 had been having sex at least once a week, according to recent research published in The BMJ. The teen pregnancy rate is down (a good thing), but condom sales are also plummeting.
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