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Hello and welcome back to Between the Sheets, our weekly blog post that features reader submitted stories about funny sexual adventures. As always these are true stories submitted by readers just like you.
Submitted by: Anonymous
I once dumped a girl because I thought she had peed on me during sex. I was giving her head and using my fingers too, then all of a sudden me and the bed were covered in liquid. I asked her if she had peed on me and she said she didn’t think so and got super offended that I had even asked. I guess I figured she was too embarrassed to own it, and I was too young to know what it really was so I dumped her. It wasn’t until I grew up a bit and met someone else who ejaculates that I realized how stupid I had been.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Ok so heads up this story is kind of weird and a little gross. I had just started dating this guy who wasn’t circumcised, which was fine because I don’t mind a little extra skin and because he had excellent hygiene (for anyone who’s dated an uncut guy who doesn’t shower often you know what I mean). We had sex in the morning and then left the house without showering and went about our day. Later in the evening we were fooling around again, and I started to give him a BJ. Everything was going great until I got this weird bitter taste in my mouth. Then there was this solid feeling on my tongue, but not like dick solid but more like a piece of plastic. Totally confused I stopped and looked down at his dick. There emerging from under his foreskin was a small flat white disk about the size of a quarter. I was like WTF? It took me a moment to figure out what it was and as far as I could tell it was cum from our morning sex session (explains the taste) that had somehow been pushed under his foreskin and then solidified into a solid mass and had just been hanging out in there. By this time he was wondering why I had stopped and I didn’t want to embarrass him so I just pulled it out and kept right one sucking that D, because I am a CHAMP!
Submitted by: Anonymous
I once went home with this guy that I had known causally for about a year. We had some good sex and fingering was part of the foreplay. Afterwards I went into the bathroom and discovered that I had gotten my period unexpectedly while we were having sex. I went back to bed and told him, and he said no worries. I stayed the night and the next day we went out for lunch. We sit down at the table and as we’re talking the menus are dropped off. As he’s reaching for the menu I notice that there is something on his hand. He notices too and in the same mutually horrifying moment we both realize that his fingers are covered in my dried period blood. He gets this look on his face like a deer in the headlights and hightails it to the washroom. When he came back both of us politely avoided the subject, awkwardly eat lunch, and then part ways.
I’m pretty sure he was really grossed out because after that he avoided me like he thought I’d go all Carrie on his ass if he came near me or my crotch. But come on! When you think about it, when a girl tells you she just got her period and you’ve just had your fingers down in her business, it’s probably not a bad idea to wash your hands.
Well that concludes this week’s posting. I hope you enjoyed it and as I said above, these are real stories submitted by folks just like you.