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So a customer came into our Vancouver sex shop the other day with a question I did not know the answer to. She had had a hysterectomy, and wanted to know if kegel balls would be a good idea for her. Unfortunately, I didn't know much about hysterectomies, so we looked it up on the internet together. I thought it would be a good idea to share what we learned in case anyone else was wondering!
A hysterectomy is a procedure which removes all or part of the uterus. This can be done for a number of reasons, including painful conditions and cancer. One of the side effects of this procedure can we a weakening of the pelvic floor and vaginal walls, which can bring with it a whole host of complaints including poor bladder control, decreased sexual arousal, and discomfort. For this reason, doctors recommend kegel (ie pelvic floor) muscle exercises to tone those areas.
Kegel balls are small, round weights designed to be worn inside the vaginal canal. Many of them will have shifting weights inside a round case, to be worn while moving around. This shifting causes the vaginal walls to spontaneously clench in order to keep the balls in. The smaller, and heavier the weights are, the harder they are to keep in. Some brands, like the Lelo Luna Beads, come with multiple weighted balls for a graduated vaginal weight-lifting regimen! These and others can be found at our Vancouver sexshop, The Art of Loving.