Sex Toys on Valentine's Day: How to Please Yourself

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Sex Toys on Valentine's Day: How to Please Yourself

Valentine's Day is a day for celebrating the people we love, including the self. Whether you're in a relationship, have a long-distance partner, or are happily solo, we all deserve to treat ourselves. Taking the time out to indulge in self-pleasure with sex toys is a perfect way to do so. If you're new to self-pleasure, there are a few tips to follow to ensure you have a pleasurable time, including creating a relaxing environment, using lube, and making sure your toys are clean and charged.

Treat yourself

Whether you're new to the self-pleasure scene or are an avid user of sex toys, Valentine's Day is the perfect time to treat yourself to a new toy. There is a wide range of toys available, with something to suit everyone's needs or desires, from wands, G-spot vibrators, and butt plugs.


If you're unsure of which toy to buy, it's best to start with a toy designed to stimulate the clitoris, as a lot of people with vaginas are able to orgasm through clitoral stimulation. There are multiple toys available that are app-controlled, allowing you to set the intensity to a level that is perfect for you or create your own vibration pattern.


Treating yourself doesn't need to end with sex toys. Use this day to indulge in your favorite pleasures, like ordering from a fancy restaurant or wearing something that makes you feel super sexy. Take the time to make yourself feel loved, however, that looks to you.



Set the scene

Once you've gathered everything necessary to make your day super special, it's time to set the scene. To do this, first, make sure that you have no distractions by locking your door and turning your phone on silent. Then enhance your environment by adding items that increase your sensory pleasure, including all five senses. This could mean lighting a nice-smelling candle, dimming the lights, playing calming music, or wearing something soft to the touch. Creating a sensory experience allows us to slow down and take pleasure in all that is around us.


You can also use this time to ensure that your toys are charged and clean, as having a toy die mid-session can be very frustrating.



Use lube

When it comes to sex, the wetter, the better, and this includes solo play. But not all lubrication is created equally, and some may even damage your toys. There are multiple types of lube, the two most common types being water-based and silicone-based. Each has its pros and cons, so it is best to pick the one that's right for you.


Water-based lube pros and cons

  • -Safety. Safe to use with silicone toys and latex condoms, and diaphragms;
  • -Evaporation. Evaporates quickly, so you'll need to use more;
  • -Clean-up. It can be cleaned using just water.


Silicone-based lube pros and cons

  • -Use less. Long-lasting, meaning you’ll use less;
  • -Sensation. Great for longer sessions and anal;
  • -Silicone. Shouldn't be used with silicone toys as it can deteriorate them;
  • -Showers. It can be used in water for steamy shower sex;
  • -Clean-up. It will need soap and water to be cleaned up, and unlike water-based lube, it may stain clothing and bedding;
  • -Hypoallergenic. Silicone is hypoallergenic and great for those with sensitive skin.


Start exploring

Once you lube up yourself and your toy, start exploring your body, finding what feels good to you. If you're using a vibrator, you can play around with the different intensities and patterns, or even try out two toys together. Solo sex is a great time to get curious and try out new things.



Are the health risks of using sex toys?

There are health risks associated with using sex toys, as not all sex toys are created equally. In most countries, sex toys aren't regulated, meaning that the chemicals that make up your sex toy may not be all that good for you.


If you're looking to purchase a new sex toy, some materials are safer than others. Toys made from silicone, stainless steel, and borosilicate glass are safe to use inside the body. These materials are also non-porous, meaning that the material's surface is smooth and less likely to become home to bacteria. However, washing your toys before and after every use, using warm water and antibacterial soap, is important to prevent any infections. It's also really essential to wash a toy after using it anally, before entering it into the vagina again, as moving a toy from the anus to the vagina could transfer bacteria.


Sharing a toy with a partner without barrier protection or without washing in between use can also pose a risk for sexually transmitted diseases. If you want to share a toy with a partner, use a clean condom each time the toy touches a new person, or give it a good wash in between partners.



The most common sex toy injuries

Sex toys also have a risk of injury, particularly if they're not used as intended. Most good sex toys come with a detailed instruction manual stating how they should be used, so it's always a good idea to read this before using them. A preventable yet common injury is getting a sex toy stuck in the anus. All anal toys are made with a flared base, which prevents them from entering the anus and becoming lost. If a toy does not have a flared base, it can not be used in the anus.



What to do if a toy gets stuck?

If a toy becomes stuck in your vagina, you will likely be able to fish it out by squatting down and using a finger or two to pull it out from the vagina. The toy will not become lost in the vagina, as it is closed off by the cervix.


If you have a toy stuck in your rectum, it's best not to try to fish it out, as this may send it further up the rectum and could cause injury. In this case, you should remain calm and head to the nearest emergency room, where medical professionals will be able to assist you in safely removing the toy.



Written by: MSexol Rhiannon John on Healthnews