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We get a lot of questions here at the shop about which products will help the quality of a man’s erection. The truth is products can help but you need a healthy base line of health first and foremost.
Sugar has been named the evil of many aspects of our lives especially weight gain. Turns out sugar can also affect the quality of your erections. Sugar actually effects testosterone production in a male body which can change the frequency or quality of your erections. So maybe skip the candy or processed food right before sex and stick to fruit or low sugar snacks instead.
How much sleep we get plays a huge role in all aspects of our life. Including your penis, it turns out. A solid amount of sleep which changes from person to person (around 7-9 hrs) is essential in testosterone production. So, if you your having trouble getting it up after an all nighter maybe don’t worry to much just take a nap.
Alcohol is a well-known boner killer hence the phrase whiskey dick. So, if you plan on using your penis later that night maybe keeps it to one or two drinks depending what your tolerance is. Other drugs and substances can have similar effects so its good to do your research. Anti depressants of the SSRI variety that effect your serotonin uptake can drastically affect your libido, erections and even your ability to orgasm.
Now this one a weird one but if you’re a long-distance runner this maybe you. If you run more that 40 miles a week it can drop your testosterone levels by as high as %17. So maybe plan your sexual activities for a rest day so your peen has a fighting chance.
On the other end of the spectrum apparently if you don’t get outside for that morning jog then the lack of vitamin D may affect your D. So, get out side for the good of your sex life.
Soy is in a lot of processed food as a filler but is also common in vegetarian options for meat substitutes. It can also affect the quality of erections if you are consuming it in large amounts.
So, what it comes down to is the way you treat your body is going to affect every part of your body including your penis. Once you have your health in a good place you can move on to helpful products to improve your erections even more. This cock ring can help maintain an erection and is great as a way to trap blood and increase hardness.
For more sex toys and tips come in to The Art of Loving Vancouver sex shop